prendre's singular forms are just the same as regular -RE verbs. The 'nous' and the 'vous' forms take the same stem (as with most irregular verbs). Remember, there is no 'd' in the plural forms.

It is conjugated as follows:

je prends nous prenons
tu prends vous prenez
elle, il, on prend elles, ils prennent

In the singular, the 's' and 'd' are not pronounced, and the 'n' nasalizes the 'e', so the singular forms are pronounced the same.
In the 'nous' and the 'vous' forms, since there is only one 'n', the first 'e' is a short, closed 'e' sound, similar to 'le' or 'je'. In the 'elles' form, because of the double 'n', the first 'e' is an open 'e', like the 'ê' in 'être'.
In the third-person plural, the 'ent' is not pronounced. In all the plural forms, the 'n' of the stem is followed by a vowel, so it is not nasalized.

Click on a verb form to hear the pronounciation.

The trick with prendre is to remember

- to write the 'd' in the singular, but not to pronounce it, and
- to avoid 'd's altogether in the plural.

Moi je prends l'autobus. Je refuse de contribuer à l'effet de serre !

Les Anglais prennent du thé après chaque repas.

Mes amies et moi nous prenons tout avec bonne humeur.

Pour qui me prends-tu ?

Prenez de l'aspirine et reposez-vous bien.

Mon prof le prend mal quand je fais le clown en classe.

-er verbs / -ir verbs / -re verbs
être / avoir / faire / aller / prendre / connaître
venir, tenir / pouvoir, vouloir / savoir, devoir / dormir, sortir, servir
lire, dire, écrire / voir, croire