The second most common verb form consists of verbs ending in '-ir'.

They are conjugated as follows:

nous finissons
vous finissez
elle, il, on
elles, ils finissent

Since the final consonants are not pronounced, the pronunciation of all three singular forms is the same. Each of the plural forms is pronounced differently. Click on a verb form to hear the pronounciation.

This group of verbs is characterized by the 'iss' in the plural form. It is important not to forget this, since the 'iss' will also appear in those tenses which use a stem derived from the 'nous' form, such as the imperfect.

Mon travail ne finit jamais.
My work never ends.

Mes cours finissent dans trois semaines.
My classes end in three weeks.

Ça suffit ! Finissez de parler la bouche pleine !
That's enough! Stop speaking with your mouths full!

Other common verbs ending in -IR:

remplir to fill démolir to demolish
choisir to choose obéir to obey
punir to punish réussir to succeed
réfléchir to reflect élargir to widen
bâtir to build

(In all there are about 300 regular verbs ending in -IR.)

But be careful! Not all '-ir' verbs conjugate regularly: those that do not are treated separately.

-er verbs / -ir verbs / -re verbs
être / avoir / faire / aller / prendre / connaître
venir, tenir / pouvoir, vouloir / savoir, devoir / dormir, sortir, servir
lire, dire, écrire / voir, croire