avoir is the other most important verb in the French language, along with 'être'. Like 'être', avoir is extremely common in its own right, but it is also used to form various tenses of many other verbs. Learning avoir now will save you trouble in the future.

It conjugates as follows:

j' ai nous avons
tu as vous avez
elle, il, on a elles, ils ont

In the singular, the 's' on as is not pronounced, so there is no difference in the pronunciation of the second and third person singular forms. (The 's' of as never makes a liaison.)
In the plural, the 't' on ont is not pronounced, and the 'n', which is itself silent, nasalizes the 'o'.

Click on a verb form to hear the pronounciation.

Mon père et ma mère ont 46 ans.

Ma grand-mère a 76 ans.

Quel âge as-tu ?

-er verbs / -ir verbs / -re verbs
être / avoir / faire / aller / prendre / connaître
venir, tenir / pouvoir, vouloir / savoir, devoir / dormir, sortir, servir
lire, dire, écrire / voir, croire