Most of the American states have the same name in French (although the pronunciation often differs). But some states have special forms in French.

States which are spelled differently from the English are in bold.
States which are feminine are italicized.

States of the Union

AL l'Alabama (m) MI le Michigan
AK l'Alaska (m) MN le Minnesota
AZ l'Arizona (m) MS le Mississippi
AR l'Arkansas (m) MO le Missouri
CA la Californie MT le Montana
NC la Caroline du Nord NE le Nebraska
SC la Caroline du Sud NV le Nevada
CO le Colorado NH le New Hampshire
CT le Connecticut NJ le New Jersey
ND le Dakota du Nord NY le New York
SD le Dakota du Sud NM le Nouveau-Mexique
DE le Delaware OH l'Ohio (m)
FL la Floride OK l'Oklahoma (m)
GA la Georgie OR l'Oregon (m)
HI Hawaii (m) PA la Pennsylvanie
ID l'Idaho (m) RI le Rhode Island
IL l'Illinois (m) TN le Tennessee
IN l'Indiana (m) TX le Texas
IA l'Iowa (m) UT le Utah
KS le Kansas VT le Vermont
KY le Kentucky VA la Virginie
LA la Louisiane WV la Virginie-Occidentale
ME le Maine WA le Washington
MD le Maryland WI le Wisconsin
MA le Massachussetts WY le Wyoming

(return to geographical prepositions)